Loved by thousands of individual investors, employees of brokerage houses and institutional investors in Bangladesh.

Smarter Stock gives you more than 50 technical indicators to help you find the right time to buy & sell any share. Pattern Scanner and Buy/Sell signal finder will save you time to research on all the listed companies. You can also feed data to AmiBroker in real-time.
Don't waste your time visiting different websites to find out financial data of various companies. We give you unparalleled fundamental analysis data and charts of more than 25 years, beautifully presented in a single software.
Every minute is important in the stock market during trading hour. A spike in volume at any time can indicate a market move. Powerful minute charts of Smarter Stock will not let you miss any single opportunity.
Beautiful dashboard that makes market monitoring easy.
With Smarter Stock, you can monitor Minute Chart, Market Depth and Technical Graph of hundreds of your favorite companies at a time in a single multi-tab dashboard. Our customers heavily use this feature during trade hour to monitor their portfolio and target companies' share.

Portfolio analysis, SMS Alert, Training Program - everything that you need
All you care about is your portfolio. Therefore, you need to know whether your preferred stock has hit your target price. And obviously, there is no alternative to learning how to do stock business smartly.

Portfolio Management
Smarter Stock has the best and most powerful portfolio management tool in Bangladesh. You can monitor your portfolio in real-time, check monthly, yearly and item-wise profit. It helps to check your trading performance and adjust your strategy.
SMS Alert
You cannot monitor the market because you are busy at work. But you do not want to miss buying or selling a share when it hits your target price. Smarter Stock sends you SMS alert as soon as the market price matches your target price.
Training Program
To be a successful investor there is no alternative to learning how to analyze the market. We run regular training programs on technical and fundamental analysis, portfolio management and advanced strategies. Our highly qualified trainers will make sure you grasp the technologies for winning.
Online Share Trading is at your fingertip
Why will you waste your valuable time by going to the brokerage house for placing buy/sell orders, or depositing or withdrawing money? We know how painful it is when your trader doesn't pick up the phone for taking your orders, and ultimately you get frustrated. You can do complete online share trading with your brokerage house by using EcoSoftBD IT online share trading platform if you brokerage house use our software. Trade from anywhere, anytime. Get your money in your bank account with a single click.
Online trading with Advanced Order
Our secure online share trading platform gives you 24x7 online order submission opportunity from any browser of your PC, tablet or mobile phone. We offer Advanced and Algorithmic order which automatically places buy/sell order based on your trading strategy. Download our mobile app or visit
Online Deposit & Withdrawal
You don't need to go to the brokerage house to deposit and withdraw money from your BO account. Just upload the deposit slip on your online share trading account, or click a single button to withdraw money from your BO account.
Single click IPO
IPO is always a profitable and safe investment option. In our platform, you will see the latest IPO information and can apply for IPO within a second. No matter how many BO accounts you have, your single online account will cover all of them.
If you have BO accounts with other brokerage houses we can help you to join the brokerage houses that use our online trading platform.
Our Customers
Employees/researchers/CEO's of the following institutions have used Smart/Smarter Stock.
Thousands of individuals, small, professional and big investors are happily using our products and services every day.