Modern technical analysis with real-time data
Smarter Stock gives you more than 50 technical indicators to help you find the right time to buy & sell any share. You can do the market analysis yourself and save your technical drawings. You can also feed market data to AmiBroker in real-time.
Rich fundamental analysis tool with up-to-date company data and charts.
Don't waste your time visiting different websites to find out various companies' financial data. We give you unparalleled fundamental analysis data and charts of more than 25 years, beautifully presented in a single software.
Smarter Stock presents you beautiful dashboards for monitoring multiple companies at a time.
Smarter Stock dashboard is a powerful and unique feature. You can monitor Minute Price, Market Price, Buy/Sell order book, Technical Graph, Your portfolio all at a time for multiple companies in a single multi-tabbed dashboard. You can arrange individual boxes as you want, and save it for viewing later.
You will fall in love with our rich Portfolio management feature.
You can monitor your real-time portfolio in Smarter Stock. If you want to know what your monthly and yearly profit is, or on which share you made the most money, then there is no alternative of Smarter Stock.
Leading organizations in Bangladesh are using Smarter Stock for making their investment decisions.
We have thousands of customers including brokerage houses, financial institutions, doctors, engineers, lawyers, private and government officials, defense officers, businessmen, students, housewives & retired persons.
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